Sodium hydroxide is termed an alkali while Ferric hydroxide
Acids, Bases and Salts (10)Sodium hydroxide is termed an alkali while Ferric hydroxide is not because:
- Sodium hydroxide is a strong base, while Ferric hydroxide is a weak base.
- Sodium hydroxide is a base which is soluble in water while Ferric hydroxide is also a base but it is not soluble in water.
- Sodium hydroxide is a strong base while Ferric hydroxide is a strong acid.
- Sodium hydroxide and Ferric hydroxide both are strong base but the solubility of Sodium hydroxide in water is comparatively higher than that of Ferric hydroxide.
(B) Sodium hydroxide is a base which is soluble in water while Ferric hydroxide is also a base but it is not soluble in water.
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