Describe any five steps taken by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people
Nationalism in Europe (10)Describe any five steps taken by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people.
Steps taken by French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people were:
- The idea of La- Patrie (the Fatherland) and Le-Citoyen (the citizen) emphasized the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution.
- New French flag the tricolour was chosen to replace the former royal standard.
- The Estate General was elected by the body of active citizen and renamed the National Assembly.
- New Hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs commemorated all in the name of the nation.
- A centralized administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all citizen within its territory.
- Internal customs duties and dues were abolished and a uniform system of weight and measures were adopted.
- Regional dialects were discouraged and French became the common language of the nation.
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